Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So it continues

... and to add tomorrow 1.12.11 will be SNOW DAY #3.  
Today was CMS Closed Code A - optional teacher workday
Well in orientation the supervisors told us Snow Days - follow your system Teacher Workdays - must go even if your CT doesn't.  They never really said what to do on optional teacher workday snow day.  
So I call my supervisor - no answer with what to do.  My CT decides she was going to maybe go in for a bit and we decide that we will meet about lunch time. Ah I was so excited to at least see the room figure out where kids will be starting etc
          Didn't happen.  Roads were not in any shape to be driven on and she had her daughter with her (it was a good idea because I went out for a few errands and the back roads are rough)

Tomorrow is another CMS Closed Code A - optional teacher workday
will I go? I dont know, I received an email from my CT and she said she wasn't planning going into tomorrow but that if it changes she'd let me know.. 

oh well, maybe by the end of the week I will get to meet her and learn the names of students in my class for Jan 24th and the beginning of the new semester and when I hope to be picking up responsibilities.

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