Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Orientation #1

     I am starting this blog as a reflection of my time as a student teacher.  From January to May I will be student teaching at Myers Park High School.  I wont be using any names for reasons we all know and understand, but a person you will hear about a lot is my CT - W.  The exciting thing about W is that she did her undergraduate at Virginia Tech and was an Animal and Poultry Science major like me!  BK at the Animal Hospital seems to think she is a client as well.  Wouldn't that be crazy!
     My first email from W seemed very positive and helpful.  She stated that the new semester doesn't start till January 24th which gives us some time to get to know each other and for me to get adjusted.
     My mom came down over the weekend and helped me get a few things together.  I have lost about 25lbs and needless to say wearing scrubs every day for the last 3 year I have not really put a lot of thought in to wardrobe.  We went and found not only one but FOUR pairs of pants that looked awesome on me.  Only 2 pairs need some hemming - Thank you New York and Company.  It was some of the best days I have had with my mom in a long time. 
     Today was my first orientation.  It was CMS specific, which meant drug test, finger print, paperwork, id badge pictures, and specific employee handbook stuff.  I thought for sure I would know someone in the room, but I didn't.  I chatted with some people and its amazing how I feel the same nervousness, anxiety, and excitement that others feel.  
     I still don't know what time to be where Monday morning, but oh well I have my official paperwork in and my I's dotted and T's crossed.

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