Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Number 1

Day 1 - Check!
     Today was very interesting because not only was it a 2-hour delay for CMS but it is also the jumbled around because it was suppose to be an exam day, but without review days there are no exams.  Today we had 1st block then 3rd then 1st again because 1st period has their final tomorrow.
     I arrived at about 7:00 and W got there about 7:30.  Until 9:15 it was very here's where the copier is, do you remember at VT, joint planning?, what semester going to look like? etc.  No the biology dept does not have joint planning.  They have asked for it and its just can't be "fit in the schedule".  Then at 9:15am bell rang and day began.
     Greenhouse Biology is a biology class that students take before biology.  They take this in hopes that hearing the information twice will help them understand it and help the students pass their EOC (standardized test).  I will not have this particular class, I will be teaching standard Biology.  The students in this class will start Jan 24th along with about 10 other students.  This class will help me a lot with classroom management and help me find my own, I predict.  I actually received a nickname from a student in class, Ms Beverly Hills.  While he couldn't remember Baggerly he remembered the "B"  It was a little concerning because I didn't want to loose all teacher/student respect on the first day, but I was able to strike up conversation with him and turned it into talk about his study guide they were working on.  Once that conversation happened I started feeling more comfortable and started questioning others.
     Honors Biology was the other class I got to observe today.  I will not teach any of these students.  Honors biology is a semester only class so I will be getting a new "batch" of students but it was nice to interact with them.  It was interesting to compare the two class and the types of students that were in them.
     I am very excited to get started in the teaching process when the semester starts and picking up responsibilities.  QQA is something the W uses for a warm up activity it is: Quote, Question, Agenda - Quote- is self explanatory she picks a quote that she feels is appropriate for the day/topic etc Question- question about topic/goal of day or where do I need to review Agenda- is self explanatory too its the agenda for the day which includes the standard course of study goal.  I will not be taking over her Advanced Placement class (AP) this is because a teacher must be certified to event teach this class.  W is very excited about having a 2nd teacher in the room though.
     The next week is going alot of long periods because of the exams and standard testing that will be going on, but starting the 24th the fun begins.
Go Mustangs!

one of my desk-ish like areas

ceiling of the classroom - haha if this isn't another sign

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