Wednesday is suppose to be the first day of the new semester (but the weather is calling for ice and snow early this week too) and I am super excited. These last few days have been good, but I'm ready to get busy.
Thursday was 4th period exam and Friday was a teacher work day so we had a lot of time to get planning started and final grades finished up. W worked on AP exam essays, wow it took her practically all day on Thursday (7:30-12:00). We ran the scantrons too and did an item analysis. W told me that she would use this analysis to see what questions were missed the most and then be able to reloop with those topics. She also uses this in her Standard and Honors Biology class to help prepare students for the EOC. Another topic that is big in the Science dept at MPHS is topic of layered curriculum. This is where for each unit/lesson there are different assignments students can do to achieve points and learn the material. EOC's have been finished for the semester and each teacher have calculated points of growth and needless to say this layered curriculum has pros and cons. I worked on W's growth points. This is found by using the predicted scores that students come in to the class with (a # that is assigned by higher ups - but not every student has one b/c of private school transfers, out of state transfers etc) and then the actual score made on EOC. In W's one EOC class she had +21points of growth, which is pretty good.
Thursday I experienced my first Faculty meeting which is was interesting. General topics were discussed: budget, morale, discipline, etc. I was introduced along with one other student teacher which was nice. Then on Friday morning W had to be at an appt so she was going to be late, I worked on some things and then they were getting breakfast for all the teachers. I went up and helped set up: did the whole meet and mingle thing which is important piece of the puzzle. I also met the Principle. Just walked right up to him and introduced myself. Kinda felt like I wanted to vomit lol but it was good and we a small but nice conversation. Friday I also finished up my seating charts and in the afternoon when W returned we got the ball rolling on planning. We are even using two of my assignments that I found in a class last semester :) I brought them in because I knew in the beginning we'd have to discuss scientific method and lab safety. One activity is a Variable Activity that is a little more honors level than the one she had and another is a lab safety poster activity.
on to starting lesson plans....
badge and lanyard: I'm Official
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