Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well, everyone took their midterms yesterday.  Averages are normal-ish I guess you could say, mid 70's.  Classes on Thursday and Friday of last week were dedicated to review for both Biology classes.  I set up gallery walks for both classes as lets get brains thinking about all the topics that may on the midterm.  First block, the standard biology students, absolutely loved this idea!  They used it for what it was worth and got alot out of it.  Honors on the other hand went horribly wrong, they are just way to chatty for more than pairs of "unorganized" thinking.
Still working on why that happened.

Also we had review stations set up and a practice test.  Even though I was going out of town and had some car issues and couldn't stay after school as much as I would have wanted to (partially because gosh its hard planning with someone to pick you up/drop you off with an opposite schedule lol )  I pulled another review for those who were wanting to stay after school and I couldn't stay as long as we both wanted.

I just wonder tomorrow how many students are going to come up to me and ask why did I get what I got?
my answer did you use time wisely?

ps: I was proposed to on FRIDAY :) 3.25.11 had to add that in here b/c I am rather excited

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